I really do consider myself to be a mild technophile, but I have resisted the pull to do a blog, despite enjoying Janie's and looking forward to seeing more of Meg's. I think I resisted because I didn't want another thing in my life that had a deadline or a time requirement. Anyone who teaches special education will understand why I resist timelines! But it was Meg who finally pulled me in. I really do enjoy hearing about the lives of my children, so I guess they will be at least mildly amused to hear about mine.
I also thought about what a small family we have. There is some responsibility on my part to tell my daughters all I want them to know about my history and our family. We have lost so many members. And my cancer scare certainly made me think about my mortality.
I have no delusions about the audience this blog will attract. It may not even interest the family as I write it. But I know that once I create it, it won't go away. So, girls... this one's for YOU!
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1 comment:
Love you mommy:) I can't wait to read everything you have to write.
And not timeline will be assigned,you are the master of blog, make your own dman rules:)
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